Oh Sew Kat: Clothes for Dolls
Welcome to my newest sewing ability: sewing for dolls! Check out this fun, and simple, outfit for 18" dolls, Playtime Peasant Top and Twirl Skirt by Oh Sew Kat Designs
and be sure to enter the Giveaway at the bottom of this post!

The only doll clothes I have ever attempted in my 23 years of sewing have been crotchet or No-Sew style Sock Dresses with holes cut for arm holes. For some reason this is just one of those things that strikes fear in me for no apparent reason....the pieces are so small...what if my machine eats them....what if my machine eats my fingers?!
Well I have lived to tell the tale!
The Playtime Peasant Top and Twirl Skirt is a wonderful pattern (with pieces large enough that kept my fingers feeling safe), was incredibly quick to cut and sew, and I was able to complete BOTH pieces using only my serger.

The Peasant Top has Long and Short Sleeve options and the Twirl Skirt gives instructions for 2 or 3 tiered Skirt lengths. You are able to get so many different looks using these options, paired with fun fabrics!
Follow the rest of the Tour, and check out the previous stops, at the links below!